Sunday, July 20, 2008

An Early Start

I was going to wait until after vacation (which is in 2 weeks) to start my new diet, but I started today. I got a new bike for an early birthday present and I'm loving it. I went bike riding for 35 min. today. I'm also going swimming today. Between these two activities I will have burned 750 cal. Thats a lot. I have my eating planned out too. I'm also going to drink my six glasses of water. I am also using sparkpeople and weight watcers to help me watch what I eat. So far so good today!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Can Do It!

Today I joined this blog. That was step one. Then I did a work out that was step two. Step three is filling out all the information so that I can be serious with my challenge. I will admit, I am very proud of myself. I did a kettle bell work out today. Thanks to my friend, she has encouraged me to get back into kettle bell training and to try and eat better and lose weight. I know I can do it and with her help (Stephanie) I know I can do it. I am going to be using this site to post my workouts, post my eating habits, and to post my progress and thoughts. So here I go!
7/8/08 Workout-Kettle bells
3 sets of 6 reps clean and press' (each arm)(18lb bell)
15 swings (each arm)(18lb bell)
10 reps swing and squat (18lb bell)
15 swings (each arm)(18lb bell)
30 reps swings (26lb bell)
10 reps swing and squat (18lb bell)

Food Log:
Breakfast: 2 c. cocco puffs
5 vanilla waffers
Lunch: diced pears snack cup
easy mac/ mac and cheese
6 peanut butter cracker sandwhiches
a handful of cheese its
Dinner: 1.5 c. spagetti w/meat sauce

I am pretty happy with what I ate today. I didn't have any ice cream and that is a big accomplishment for me. I love ice cream. My goal for tomorrow is to drink more water and to continue to eat good. I am going to do some type of a work out tomorrow, I'm just not sure what yet. Until then.....